
Speaking Solutions

Solutions of speaking activity problems

Teaching english as a second language means being able to solve problems students may have in acquiring certain language skills. There are a number of resources and activities available to get round these common speaking problems:
1.                  Group work:
Group work increases the amount of time available for oral practice and allows more than one student to benefit from speaking time. Working in groups also lowers the inhibitions of shy students who are not comfortable speaking in front of the whole class.
2.                  Easy language:
Simple language makes it easier for students to speak for longer without hesitation and gives them a sense of accomplishment. Essential vocabulary can be pre-taught or reviewed before the activity enabling students to fill-out their speech with more interesting sentences and rich language.
3.                  Interesting topic:
Choosing a topic according to the interests of the class ensures student motivation. If the material and task instructions are presented clearly and enthusiastically students will be more likely to meet the challenge set for them.
4.                  Clear guidelines:
Stating clearly what is expected from each student is essential in ensuring that everyone in the group contributes towards the discussion. Appointing a chairperson to each group to regulate participation is a way to make sure that dominant students leave discussion opportunities open to more reserved students. Feedback reveals the results of the discussion and motivates each student to follow the guidelines.
5.                  English monitors:
A monitor can be appointed to each group to remind students speaking their mother tongue to switch back to english. A lack of classroom management and discipline will encourage students, who do not feel that there is resistance to their mother tongue, to easily revert back to it as soon as they have problems expressing themselves.

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